The Nature Just Got Real podcast for kids JUST GOT REAL!

The Nature Just Got Real podcast for kids JUST GOT REAL!

I am happy to announce that finally, we have a podcast! It’s called Nature Just Got Real!

It’s a video podcast, so it can be viewed on the Weird & Wacky Planet YouTube channel HERE, or listened to on Apple Podcasts HERE, or just about anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

I’m also especially proud to be a part of the KIDS LISTEN podcast app, downloadable wherever you get your mobile apps, so check that out if you don’t already have it. You can be sure all the podcasts available on the KIDS LISTEN app will be guaranteed kid-friendly listening. They also launched a KIDS LISTEN ACTIVITY app, which has daily podcasts for kids featuring things they can do to stay active and educated during this stay-at-home time, so that’s worth a download, too!
There are five episode of Nature Just Got Real! available right now, with a new episode coming out each week on Wednesdays. There will be either an interview or an activity kids can do, along with the Weird & Wacky Word of the Week with Chuck Darwin, a chimp with a large vocabulary. Also weekly, Tito, a TreeFrog from New York, will tell us about a different weird animal on the Weird & Wacky Creature Feature. And last but not least, my dog had to get involved with her own segment called Ask the Captain, where kids can ask her any question they are curious about. Questions for Captain Jack can be submitted to
As far as episodes go, we have Amazon On Fire parts 1 & 2, where I talk to Chelsea Raiche from Friends of the Rainforest about why the Rainforest is burning in many places and what we can do about it.
There are also two episodes about the coronavirus, since that IS the biggest story in the natural world right now. I talk to Dr Ryan Colburn from the Grand Rapids John Ball Zoo about where scientists think COVID-19 got started. We also talked about the big cats testing positive at the Bronx Zoo!
I also had the distinguished Rear Admiral Dr. James Galloway come on and answer several questions kids have about COVID-19. Dr. Galloway was the assistant US Surgeon General during the Bush & Obama administrations. He also served as the Senior Federal Official for Health for Pandemic Influenza and Bioterrorism for the Department of Homeland Security. He is a pretty big deal and a definite expert on pandemics! He also had his dog Maui with him, so it was a good time for all of us.
Hope you can join us each week for new episodes, and check out the episodes we have up right now. Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe, so you don’t miss a show. Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, and thanks for caring.
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